Thank you for pressing the button!
I just needed to see if it worked.
What? You thought this page was going to be about the press coverage we’ve had?
HA HA HA HA! Yeah right!
Serious people tend to stay clear from us … apart from our psychiatrists, but then again, we ARE paying them!
And for some reason the “press” doesn’t appreciate our weird sense of humour, or maybe Rob is just too sexy to be in print, you know, being so hot will make the paper catch on fire. Oh well, their loss!
So, if we do appear somewhere other than scrawled on a dirty toilet wall, we’ll let you know here.
Places Woodward Games has appeared (that does not include the pub)
Can you hear that sound … it’s the deafening sound of crickets … cri cri! cri cri!
Have fun pressing other buttons!